It’s Been A While

I haven’t written in a while… A few years to be exact. To be honest, I forgot I still had this page. Some time has passed, but I still feel as lost as ever. Honestly, I might feel even more lost than I did a few years ago.

On the outside, my life looks pretty good. I own a home, I get to travel a few times a year, I have some lovely pets and a decent enough job. I just don’t feel fulfilled. I often sit at my desk and wonder — what if. What if I had made the choice to move back to New York, what if I chose a different major, what if I stayed abroad? We make so many choices in our lives, who is say which ones are the correct ones? I’m not sure how to tell, or if you even can.

All our lives we are inundated with TV shows, movies and books with characters that get their dream jobs right out of school and get that “great” love. Maybe there is no “great love”. Maybe there is no “dream job”.

I’m not sure what I am getting at. I just feel so lost and so incredibly behind.

“I’ll never know, and neither will you, of the life you don’t choose. We’ll only know that whatever that sister life was, it was important and beautiful and not ours. It was the ghost ship that didn’t carry us. There is nothing to do but salute it from the shore” – Cheryl Strayed

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